As a person progresses with dementia the caregiver often falls into a trap. The caregiver often starts to over help or take over activities that the person with dementia can do for themselves. The caregiver is doing this because they do care for the person. But unfortunately what can inadvertently happen is the person with dementia becomes more dependent on the person providing the care for them. Thus becoming more dependent can lead to depression, inactivity, or more progressive with dementia. The person with dementia can start to loose the skills and abilities at a faster rate. Create engaging activities that the person can be successful and feel purpose. Providing ta ask that is at the ability of the person is much more rewarding than if they feel failure. Provide positive praise during and after the activity or engaging moments together. Never give up when engaging. One engaging moment might not work but tweak it for the next time. You are providing the best engaging moments that you can and no matter what you do there is no wrong way about how you go about it. You are doing a great job!
