Bringing different ages and generations together is generally a very successful activity with dementia. Of course both generations benefit from the exchange. Most if not all people with dementia really enjoy watching others that are younger play or just be around. What is great about inter-generational activities is that you really don't have to do much. I always say when a baby comes in during a program my time is up and it's time for the baby to take over. What you can do to help during this time is to make sure there are successful or purposeful task to be complete

during the interaction. It could be baby care, craft, or even taking a walk together. Most children do enjoy the attention that is given by older adults. Keep in mind safety and watch mood of the person with dementia. Create this moment to be pleasant and enjoyable. Have fun and enjoy every moment with the one that you are caring for. Remember you are doing your very best to take care. You are the best advocate for your loved one.