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Spelling Together

Spelling a word works the brain in ways that you may not think about. Spelling involves retrieval of information about the letters and order of the letters in our brain. We learn how to spell at a very early age. So it makes sense that spelling is associated with long term memory. People with dementia or brain related disorders know how to spell the word. The information is in the brain its just they are not able to retrieve it. This is true especially after a person suffered a stroke. After a stroke it's more likely they can retrieve the letters and word with therapy and treatment. Dementia is going to cause a person to not retrieve the letters and words. Grab a dry eraser board. Don't get a big one. You could engage in spelling together with pen and paper too. You can also use scrabble pieces.

Keep the words simple. You want to make this a successful activity together. Watch for any signs of frustration and help complete the words with them. Don't forget to praise after getting words correctly.

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